Friday, April 30, 2010

Comment4Teachers Week 10 and 12

Creating life long learners by Mathew Needleman Is the blog I followed for week 10 and 12! I learned so much from his blog! He had alot of input on how to handle situations that I would not of thought of! The first blog that a I commented on was about test taking startegies which I got great ideas from! (everyone should go look)

I said:
Hi, my name is Lauren Reeves I am in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama, with Dr. John Strange! I liked your test taking strategies! I will definitely be using your suggestions to improve my class’s comprehension scores when I begin teaching. Thank you for sharing your ideas, I will definitely be following your blog in the future!
The second blog that I commented on was about kids crying in your class! He started the post off with a funny video! He made great points in this post that i will definitly follow!

I said:
Hi, my name is Lauren Reeves I am in EDM 310 at the University of Alabama. I really enjoyed reading this post about how to deal with crying kids and watching the video!! I agree with all of your point’s especially the big girls don’t cry or big boy don’t cry! I have to admit I have said that before, but after reading this post I will not handle it that way any more! I will definitely deal with crying kids the way you do by saying “I understand you’re feeling ___________ I’m sorry you feel _____________.” Thank you for all of your good points! If you would like to view my blog just go to:

If any one would like to look at Mathew Needlemans blog you can CLICK HERE!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for visiting my blog and best of luck in your first year of teaching.
